Yesterday, a video of Donald Trump from 2005—more than a decade ago—emerged, showing that Donald Trump is in fact a ladies’ man, and, possibly, a womanizer. The reaction from the liberal main stream media was predictable. This, of course, is the same media that, in 2004, prematurely and incorrectly announced that their exit polling showed John Kerry beating George W. Bush on election day. Same media still, only replace John Kerry with Hillary Clinton. The reaction from liberals was also predictable. They forgive any shortcoming—even if it is actual abuse of numerous women by Bill Clinton—in favor of a candidate that supports liberal policies, and they use any excuse—even a private conversation in a decade old video—to oppose a candidate that promotes conservative policies. Nothing new there either. What was disappointing—and telling—was the quick jumping of ship for numerous Republican elites in hopes of preserving their own power, or to feel good at a superficial display of ethics at the expense of our country. And no wonder that the Republican party—and the Democratic supporters of Sanders—have revolted against the elite establishment.
As an initial matter, it must be emphasized that the comments by Mr. Trump, while improper, pale in comparison to the actual actions taken by Bill and Hillary Clinton. As is well documented in history, Bill Clinton continuously abused the power given to him by the people in his elected positions, from the attorney general in Arkansas to President of the United States, with numerous allegations of rape, sexual abuse and affairs with his subordinates and others. What was Hillary Clinton’s role? She stood by him, silencing and intimidating the women, discrediting the women, and being an accomplice in destroying their lives so as to save Bill Clinton’s–and by proxy, Hillary Clinton’s–political futures. See, e.g., the life of Monica Lewinsky now. Any real “champion of women” who had any respect for women would have left Bill Clinton after the third, fourth or fifth allegation, not helping him destroy the victims’ lives so that Hillary could one day run for office.
That aside, the response by the Republican elites is most telling on why the Republican party has revolted against them. Paul Ryan, who had already made news at his reluctance in endorsing Donald Trump, quickly cancelled a scheduled joint event in the battle ground state of Wisconsin. Senator John McCain, who is running for reelection in a close election, quickly renounced his support for Donald Trump. Senator Ayotte, who is battling a close race in the battle ground state of New Hampshire, has denounced Trump. Their actions are followed by other elites and powerful of the GOP. None of these so-called Republicans believe that a Hillary Clinton presidency is in fact better for the country. This is evident by the fact that, until yesterday, they supported Donald Trump and his policies. Of course, Donald Trump’s policies, be it immigrations, taxes, or regulations, have not changed. The only thing that has changed is that a video of Donald Trump has emerged that has the potential for damaging the reelection campaigns of these GOP establishment candidates. And they were quick to sacrifice what they believed until yesterday to be the good of the country in hopes of salvaging their reelection campaigns, and their power in Washington D.C.
The likes of Jeb Bush do not fare much better. They are the elites, the CEOs, the Wall Street money makers, and the wealthy who can afford to sacrifice the future of the country in order to save face at a superficial display of ethics. The likes of Jeb Bush are not affected when jobs leave the United States because of currency manipulation by China. They are not affected when multiple-time-deported illegal immigrants kill Americans. They are not affected when drugs pour into our country from the southern border. They can afford to live a comfortable life, whether the President is Clinton, Trump, or anyone else for that matter. However, the coal miner in West Virginia, who Hillary Clinton has publicly vowed to drive out of employment, does not have that luxury. The middle class person who has to choose between not being able to afford ever rising Obamacare premiums or the IRS penalty does not have that luxury. The long term unemployed who find their chances of any meaningful employment dwindling by the week do not have that luxury.
At the end, the election results will not affect everyone equally. The rich, the elites, the CEOs and the Wall Street money makers will do just fine no matter who is elected President. They can afford to make hypocritical lectures on morality, and save face by un-endorsing Donald Trump. The GOP establishment has also proven that it wastes no time in denouncing Donald Trump in return for only a marginal increase in their chances of re-election, even though they agree that Hillary’s policies will ruin this country. Holier-than-thou Republicans who think they are “too good” to vote for Trump are allowing their egos or thirst for power hand the country to a criminal who will take the country further down the drain to the point of potentially irreversible damage. Once everything is said and done, those who pay the price are every day Americans who are left behind in a rigged system run by special interest, and those who hold an increasingly dimmer view of their future under the policies of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. And no wonder they are rallying behind Donald Trump and against the GOP establishment.
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